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The Second Human Single Neuron gathering was held at Johns Hopkins University, on November 13-14 (prior to the Society of Neuroscience meeting in 2014).



Larry Squire (UCSD), John Donoghue (Brown), Richard Andersen (Caltech), Ziv Williams (Harvard), Elizabeth Buffalo (Washington), Ziv Williams (Harvard), John Wixted (UCSD), Andreas Schulze-Bonhage (Freiburg), Nathan Crone (Johns Hopkins), Katalin Gothard (Arizona), Helen Mayberg (Emory), Kareem Zaghloui (NIH), Sameer Sheth (Columbia), Itzhak Fried (UCLA, Tel-Aviv), Catherine Schevon (Columbia), Josef Parvizi (Stanford), Josh Jacobs (Drexel), Stan Anderson (Johns Hopkins), Ueli Rutishauser (Cedars Sinai), Moran Cerf (Northwestern), Gabriel Kreiman (Harvard)

Download the conference program and information here.

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