Welcome address, Moran Cerf, Gabriel Kreiman, Ueli Rutishauser
Keynote talk by George Ojemann: 50+ years of human single neuron recording, a personel perspective (introduction by Itzhak Fried)
Keynote talk by Itzhak Fried: Neurons as will and representation (introduction by Christof Koch)
Session I: Perception and Memory I (Chair: Itzhak Fried)
Gabriel Kreiman: Selectivity, tolerance and speed in visual object recognition
Rodrigo Quiorga: Concept cells
Ueli Rutishauser: Mechanisms of declarative memory formation in the human medial temporal lobe
Moran Cerf: Control of single neurons using thought Panel discussion
Session II: Perception and Memory II (Chair: Gabriel Kreiman)
Florian Mormann: Single-unit correlates of visual object recognition, working memory and attention in the human medial temporal lobe
Hagar Gelbard-Sagiv: Neuronal correlates of memory formation and recollection in the human medial temporal lobe
Eli Nelken: Single neuron studies of auditory signals Michael Kahana: Single unit studies of human spatial navigation, episodic memory, and decision making
Session III: Clinical, technical and surgical aspects (Chair: Moran Cerf)
Adam Mamelak: Setting up a human single-unit lab: ethical, clinical, surgical and practical aspects
Ueli Rutishauser/Rodrigo Quiroga: Spike detection and sorting
Rick Staba: Electrodes for subchronic human direct brain recording
Gabriel Kreiman/Moran Cerf: Decoding and real-time signals
Raffi Malach: What can BOLD-fMRI tell us about single unit responses in the human brain
Casey Stengel (Neuralynx)
Andy Gotshalk (Blackrock)
Session IV: Motor and free will (Chair: Christof Koch)
Roy Mukamel: Mirror neurons
Gabriel Kreiman: Single neurons predict free will
Wilson Truccolo: Collective Dynamics at the level of Single Neurons in Human Neocortex
George Ojemann: Language, Learning, Local Field Potentials prediction of spike timing
Session V: Emotions and sleep (Chair: Ueli Rutishauser)
Ralph Adolphs: Amygdala responses to faces: Extensions to autims
Moran Cerf: Single neuron correlates of emotions regulation in humans
Rick Staba: Human limbic single neuron firing patterns during sleep
Panel discussion
Session VI: Epilepsy (Chair: Ralph Adolphs)
Sydney Cash: Neuronalk Dynamics During Focal Seizures
Bradley Greger: In Vivo extracellular recordings and in vitro intracellular recordisng from human epileptic neocortex: insights into the relations btween inter-ical spkes, action potentials, and high-frequency oscialltions
Panel discussion
Session VII: The next 10 years, the fuutre of single neuron recordings in humans
Keynote talk by Christof Koch: Project Mindscope. Building Cortical Observatories
Panel discussion: Itzhak Fried, Moran Cerf, Gabriel Kreiman, Ueli Rutishauser